Now, in some boroughs, particularly Brooklyn, prosecutors will build cases against them, even without victims' cooperation.
Immunity is typically granted to help prosecutors build a case against someone else.
However, as he sat in prison awaiting trial and the prosecutors built their case, a number of key witnesses turned up dead.
She said prosecutors had built a strong case against Mr. Pelosi, with 51 witnesses and more than 100 pieces of evidence.
They watched as prosecutors built a case against Dr. Harris, 45, a former beauty queen who is a dentist.
Andrew appeared to not be interested in the proceedings, as prosecutors built their case against him.
Even as the prosecutors were building their case, many raised the question about whether General Noriega could receive a fair trial.
"The prosecutor, for eight months, has built this case the way they want it," Mr. Josselson said.
As prosecutors built their case, counselors and ministers sat with children and parents still shaking from the bullets that ripped apart much more than bodies.
Both men may be able to help prosecutors build their case that Rowland administration officials accepted bribes or gratuities in exchange for state business.