Although empowered by law to do so, prosecutors conduct criminal investigations only in major cases, usually involving police or public officials' wrongdoings.
But the public did sense there was something wrong with the independent counsel law, which allows prosecutors to conduct multimillion-dollar investigations with no apparent end.
Despite our efforts, the judiciary has refused to order prosecutors to conduct sequential lineups.
"But I believe that the prosecutors are conducting their investigation strictly on the basis of the law."
Investors have sued it and its chief executive for fraud, and prosecutors are conducting a criminal investigation.
Legal experts say it is rare that prosecutors conduct separate trials for a crime that only one defendant or set of defendants could have committed.
But, he wrote, he is confident that prosecutors are conducting a fair and impartial inquiry.
The preliminary investigation, which can be extended 60 days more if necessary, will allow prosecutors to conduct interviews with witnesses and examine documents.
In Monterrey, police, soldiers and prosecutors have conducted joint patrols, which have seen violence reduced.
In an effort to discredit "The Exonerated," prosecutors have been conducting research.