In the Mafia maxi-trials of the 1980's, "pentiti" helped prosecutors capture and convict hundreds of mobsters.
The prosecutors could also convict a terrorist based solely on the testimony of accomplices, something now illegal under New York law.
By 1976, prosecutors had convicted 18 American corporations of contributing illegally to Nixon's campaign.
If drug-dealing charges do not stick for any reason, prosecutors can convict dealers for tax evasion.
But it's hardly surprising that prosecutors like a bill that makes it easier to keep the prisoners they convict from appealing to the Federal courts.
The Constitution doesn't allow prosecutors to convict people because they're doing something morally wrong.
Later, prosecutors convicted three teen-agers of the assault.
Informants have helped prosecutors convict drug traffickers and prevent acts of terrorism.
A second difficulty is that prosecutors must convict people under the laws that governed East Germany.
But with the thin threads left, the prosecutors convicted one defendant.