Last week, prosecutors informed a lawyer for one of those men, Robert Whiteside, that his client had been recorded in a conversation on April 22.
He also said federal prosecutors had not informed Mr. Galardi that he was a target or a subject of any investigation.
The prosecutor informed the court and defendant about this communication.
Then prosecutor read the verdict and informed the condemned prisoner that his plea for mercy had been refused by the Council of State.
Webb said he hadn't gotten a letter from the prosecutors informing him he was the potential target of a criminal indictment.
Tellem said the "prosecutors informed us in the last couple weeks that Jason was likely to be a witness in the ongoing criminal proceedings."
More recently, the prosecutors informed us that Jason was likely to be a witness in the ongoing criminal proceedings.
They call regulators and prosecutors to inform on each other.
Last month, prosecutors informed Mr. Fappiano that he had been conclusively ruled out as the source of the samples.
The military prosecutor, also in uniform, informed the judge that he had no witnesses, and the trial was postponed for one week.