An increased flow of information during proceedings, as he suggested, should help prosecutors keep cases constantly under review, he said.
Robinson contended that when he was sentenced to death in 1994, prosecutors deliberately kept blacks off the jury.
Anticipating such an instruction, the prosecutors kept first-degree manslaughter in the case.
But the prosecutor has kept at it for two years.
The judge ultimately ruled in October that prosecutors could keep the items.
Three other prosecutors who had worked with him kept their eyes lowered, their lips pursed.
To reinforce what is at stake, the prosecutors keep two large photographs on their table, propped up directly in front of the jury box.
He said a prosecutor had kept a black prospective juror off the jury.
That's why the prosecutor keeps the heat on by reserving his right to charge her with a crime.
It is another matter when prosecutors, who are officers of the court, overbear a young woman to keep her from calling her lawyer.