A special prosecutor is currently leading a criminal investigation into the destruction of these videotapes.
The prosecutor then led the 30-year-old woman, whose name is used in the courtroom but not by most news organizations, through a series of questions.
A prosecutor, Jack Smith, led Lieutenant Fallon through the account.
The prosecutor led the way over to Trasingji.
In court yesterday, prosecutors led Mr. D'Urso through his proposed presentation concerning several issues in the case.
The prosecutor then leads the evidence of the state witnesses in the order of his choice.
But prosecutors have said the unit's aggressive tactics, including searches and chases without probable cause, have sometimes led judges to throw out cases.
She said yes - a European public prosecutor will almost certainly lead to corpus juris, a common body of law throughout the Community.
It happened as the prosecutor led him through the story of how he built the body of work that the prosecutors say she took from him.
There are ways that prosecutors can lead jurors to find criminal intent.