Only when the prosecutor pointed to Megrahi did Gauci say that "he resembles him".
Beyond that, prosecutors pointed to Politburo documents containing brief praise for the border patrols.
To corroborate her statements, prosecutors point to her own testimony and statements she made to 11 people.
When the prosecutor pointed to him and said he would like to avoid the death penalty in order to kill more Americans, he nodded in agreement.
The prosecutor shook her head and pointed at her datapad.
But prosecutors pointed to a test he took on another machine at the station house on which he registered 0.17 percent.
So much the better that the prosecutor could point to his law-and-order record.
The Shadow was lost from view; but the prosecutor was pointing in the direction that the weird avenger had taken.
During final arguments yesterday, a prosecutor pointed at Tribble and shouted that he was a "dope dealer."
The prosecutor pointed to numerous opportunities Ms. Stewart had to present legal challenges to the prison rules, which she never took.