A prosecutor will read the report and decide if there is evidence to indict her.
After a prosecutor reads the charge to the grand jurors, they are left alone to deliberate, according to an official familiar with the process.
After the prosecutor reads some samples from the book, the publisher changes his plea to "incompetent."
Then prosecutor read the verdict and informed the condemned prisoner that his plea for mercy had been refused by the Council of State.
The prosecutor reads the charge and Harry kneels before the guillotine.
Under the release process, a prosecutor must sit down independently with each prisoner, read the long amnesty resolution and ask if he agrees to its terms.
As the prosecutors read 2 Live Crew's lyrics into the court record, the jurors asked the judge if they were allowed to laugh.
A spokesman for the state attorney general's office said on Tuesday that prosecutors had received but not yet read the judge's decision.
He stared ahead and blinked repeatedly as prosecutors read the murder charges.
Yesterday about 1 p.m., the grand jurors began deliberating after a prosecutor read the possible charges to them.