In a partial retreat, prosecutors on Friday released 4.5 percent of the shares, prompting a market rally.
The prosecutors released the list of victims in what appeared to be an effort to quash the wildest speculation.
"They turned these guys over to the police and the prosecutor, and the prosecutor released them the same day," he said.
The prosecutor did not release the suspect's name, apparently because his legal status is not yet definite.
Judge Ruckriegle, obviously annoyed, ordered that prosecutors release the remaining items.
In the end, prosecutors released her without a fingerprint check.
The police and prosecutors did not release details about the supposed plot, which seemed to have been inspired by the attack in Littleton.
But then chagrined prosecutors released him, based on his bizarre story.
His anxiety grew over time, after prosecutors released the men he had arrested, for a lack of evidence, his wife said.
Fifteen days later the prosecutor released the initial group of names being investigated.