On 23 August 2007, acting on standard procedures, prosecutors reopened the investigation surrounding the deaths of the Imperial Family.
Sweden's top prosecutor reopened investigations into allegations of molestation from the woman and of rape by another Swedish female on Tuesday.
On August 1, 2005, the public prosecutor of Dortmund, Ulrich Maass, reopened the inquiry, resulting in a visit to Maillé in July 2008.
However, a special prosecutor reopened the case in March, leading to the suspensions.
Several years later, a Paris-based prosecutor reopened the case against Soros and two other French businessmen, disregarding the COB's findings.
Bowing to a court decision, prosecutors here have reopened the investigation into the death of Digna Ochoa, a human rights lawyer who was found shot dead in her office in 2001 after receiving many threats.
The commission is also working on a model law to recommend to states that would oblige prosecutors to reopen cases in which DNA might overturn a conviction.
Yet now, military prosecutors are reopening this grim chapter by charging at least seven former SS officers with taking part in the killings.
Should new evidence of illegal activity surface against Mr. Barry, prosecutors could reopen the case against him and seek a new indictment.
On 17 November 2000 prosecutors reopened the first criminal case against Gusinsky.