The prosecutor stated that the case documents did not reflect the real number of children.
In a brief report, the prosecutor stated that the factory worker who has confessed to the shooting acted alone.
The prosecutors also state that they have not received the requested video footage from the incident, which was allegedly filmed by the television crew.
The prosecutor in the case stated that the court found them guilty of beating the man to death "with a terrorist aim".
The military prosecutor stated that no evidence could be found the explosion was a result of terrorism act or sabotage.
In an unrelated indictment, federal prosecutors stated that the hospital chief of security had staged the attempt.
The prosecutors further stated that all of the information was on water-soluble paper that could be rapidly destroyed.
The prosecutor stated that it was "profane to give this man a gift of life under these circumstances."
A prosecutor stated that the paper's coverage had been found to be "detrimental to the country's national security".
The prosecutor stated the delay was necessary as more time was needed for additional pretrial motions.