But prosecutors still suspect that the actions may have been linked.
Mr. Zhivilo lives in France as a fugitive; Russian prosecutors suspect he hired someone in an unsuccessful attempt to kill the governor of a Siberian province.
But prosecutors suspect that Ahold's accounting practices were meant to inflate some executives' bonuses, which were tied to sales.
But prosecutors suspect they may have been part of a scheme to convert office and campaign money into cash.
The government, since the Sept. 11 attacks, has been unabashed about using sting operations to catch people who prosecutors suspect may be inclined to aid or participate in terrorist plots.
A law-enforcement official said the prosecutors in the case had suspected that the police account was wrong from the moment the Medical Examiner released his report.
The perpetrators have frequently spent all the cash; in many cases, prosecutors suspect, they have hidden the assets.
The indictment released last week does not indicate how many people are being investigated in Orlando or elsewhere, but suggests that prosecutors suspect there was an active cell in Florida.
The most recent indictment in the case shows that prosecutors suspect that some of Mr. bin Laden's associates have been active in Florida.
Mr. Abramoff is believed to have extensive knowledge of what prosecutors suspect is a wider pattern of corruption among lawmakers and Congressional staff members.