One agent said prosecutors threatened his client with jail if he failed to cooperate.
The harbor master said the boat had illegally entered Wladyslawowo, and the local prosecutor threatened to indict the crew.
The move comes as federal prosecutors are threatening action against American companies that do business with Internet casinos that are based abroad.
A prosecutor, infuriated by Curran's insults, threaten to put him in his pocket.
Upon appeal, the prosecutor initially declared the passport seizure illegal, but then threatened to fine the Jehovah's Witnesses after talking to the police.
Greek prosecutors have threatened to press charges against her for possessing antiquities that had not been registered with the authorities.
Since bringing the charge, prosecutors have threatened that Mr. Lundwall could avoid a long prison sentence only by cooperating.
Mr. Cohen's attorney said today that the prosecutors recently threatened to indict his client unless he cooperated in the inquiry.
However, the prosecutor threatens to put Ricky in jail for a week for telling off Lahey.
He said he pleaded guilty in October because prosecutors threatened that they would charge other members of his family if he did not admit guilt.