At the time, prosecutors warned that the court's new evidence requirement, which they described as harsh and unreasonable, would jeopardize thousands of current and future drug prosecutions.
That person and the one who has been briefed spoke only on the condition of anonymity because the prosecutor has warned people not to discuss the case.
But in reaching his decision, Judge Schroeder appeared cognizant of the dangers that prosecutors warned against.
But a leading prosecutor, Vural Savas, warned that repeal "would seriously damage the fight against subversion."
The Iran-contra prosecutor, Lawrence E. Walsh, warned at the time that the grants of immunity could hamper his investigation.
There would be no deal, the prosecutor warned, if Joey did not come clean.
But prosecutors in Manhattan explicitly warn defendants that they are under no obligation to offer them a deal.
Nonetheless, for the last three years numerous prosecutors and police experts across the nation have warned of the growth of crime organizations made up of ethnic Chinese immigrants.
In fact, the public prosecutor warned that any attempt to remove the occupiers could lead to civil war.
Without it, prosecutors have warned, jurors will inevitably be smothered by the avalanche of publicity in the case.