Chinese law dictates that if prosecutors withdraw a case, they must present new evidence in order to file the same charges again.
Then the prosecutor withdrew the charges and said he was physically unfit to be tried again.
On January 18, 2013, the court acquitted Chatayev after the prosecutor has withdrawn all charges against him.
A skinhead was soon arrested, but the prosecutor withdrew the charge the next day, saying he probably was not guilty.
After the public outcry, the prosecutors withdrew it.
In essence, that would leave Andersen in position to take a deal at the 11th hour before trial; instead, prosecutors simply withdrew the offer.
But the prosecutors abruptly withdrew the request this afternoon, saying it raised a thicket of complex legal issues.
Before the plea, the prosecutors may withdraw a case, in which event the accused is not entitled to a verdict.
However, when talks broke down last week, prosecutors formally withdrew their settlement offer and declared their position final.
During the court proceedings, the prosecutor withdrew all counts related to Trans Polar.