Perhaps the most alluring prospects lie in artificial intelligence and computers that learn.
Ironically, the best prospect for immigration reform may lie in the hands of a Republican, the party's probable presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
And, if our nerves can take it, what exciting prospects lie ahead of us.
That prospect both excites and alarms archeologists, who are eager to see what lies in the ocean depths but fear wholesale plundering.
But some families shudder at the prospect of a loved one lying on the floor.
The prospect of huge budget deficits lies just over the horizon.
Serious illness and the prospect of death and what lies beyond.
Beyond these issues lies that of the European Union' s constitutional prospects.
Commissioner, I agree with you that the analyses confirm that our only prospect lies in the enforcement of the market in the sugar sector as well.
The prospects of peace in Somalia lie with the efforts and actions of the Somaliand people.