He also scouted the local newspapers to look for games in which potential prospects were playing.
Patriotism and the prospect of getting a chance to go to Iraq, where the action is, played a role in their decisions to enlist, the recruits said.
This was due to the fact that many young prospect from the football academy of Lokomotiv played along with some veterans in the first team.
In an effort to maintain the level of talent, Osborne built an elaborate system to encourage prospects to play without an athletic scholarship.
But the prospect of more government aid has not played a major role.
What I want from our scouts is an opinion: can the prospect play well enough to have a shot?
At the time the 23-year-old prospect was playing for the Little Rock Travelers.
The poor prospects for employment, and the well-known fact that many people fail 'O' levels, undoubtedly also play their part.
But now comes the horrifying prospect that Helms could actually play an important role in world history.
But I believe that the prospect of joining our European Union has also played its part.