Health Forecasting was established to provide health advocates and decision-makers prospective analysis of the public health landscape through the development and communication of evidence-based forecasts.
Firstly, retrospective studies implicated reserpine in breast cancer, but the drug was later absolved by prospective analyses.
Varni JW, Katz E: Stress, social support and negative affectivity in children with newly diagnosed cancer: a prospective transactional analysis.
Lower prostate cancer risk in men with elevated plasma lycopene levels: results of a prospective analysis.
The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies provides prospective technoeconomic analysis in support of the European Union policymaking process.
Risk of ovarian carcinoma and consumption of vitamins A, C, and E and specific carotenoids: a prospective analysis.
"Our next regular issue will have prospective and thoughtful analysis about what this means for the American and global economy," Mr. Forbes added.
The results of large, adequately powered, prospective analyses of these associations will be required.
Fast-food habits, weight gain, and insulin resistance (the CARDIA study): 15-year prospective analysis.
The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of the most discriminatory parameters of this prospective analysis are summarized in Table 4.