Vizcaino was a merchant who hoped to establish prosperous colonies.
With an expansive sweep of her arm, the regent invoked the prosperous colony below.
That is the coast of the most beautiful and prosperous French colony in the world.
The Government's position had long been that emigration patterns in this prosperous colony were normal.
It was the largest and most prosperous agricultural colony near Derazhnia, at one point in the late 19th century it had a population of over 700.
The Germans established a prosperous agricultural colony and eventually started to supply the state's main urban centers at that time with food.
It is one of the most prosperous colonies of Alto Paraná.
French and foreign merchants frequently came to the island to buy these exotic products, transforming Martinique into a modestly prosperous colony.
They then developed into prosperous colonies that made large profits off of cash crops such as tobacco, indigo dye, and rice.
In the 1890s, Viana was a prosperous colony of mainly Azorean immigrants.