The countryside was now a prosperous well-watered land, populated by peasant farms.
Not that peaceful and prosperous lands couldn't be unjust or cruel to suspected criminals.
Across the prosperous land, other men were moving up, if not to millions then to bourgeois respectability.
Mr. Mandela was looking for aid from a prosperous land.
In those days, the prosperous and tolerant lands of the Midi had seemed a safe hiding place.
Ventimiglia was a peaceful, happy, prosperous land, not the hell he had been schooled to expect.
I will not tell them that all prosperous lands are based on a combination of acceptance and force.
She must, in fact, have financed all her activities with the lawful gains obtained from a happy and prosperous land.
We are not a prosperous land, doctor.
We want to ensure that we remain a free and prosperous land of opportunity.