New York becoming a prosperous British port and population rose to 11, 000 by the mid 1700s.
Once a prosperous inland port, during heyday of Muziris.
Both had been, in their prime, booming and prosperous ports.
It was at one time a reasonably prosperous minor port.
The town, founded in 1710, was the colonial capital of North Carolina and a prosperous port.
Ardglass grew from a place of little note in the 13th century to a modestly prosperous port in the 15th century.
Kota Kinabalu has about 200,000 people and is a prosperous modern port that offers little of interest to the tourist.
Dorestad had been one of the most prosperous ports in Northern Europe for quite some time.
Luskan was a strong and prosperous port, controlling much of the valuable trade of the northern lands.
Ullal was a prosperous port and a hub of the spice trade to Arabia and other countries in the west.