While the young man hurried from the group the prosperous-looking man sighed and fainted.
James Sargon, the jeweler, was a prosperous-looking man who had done well in his long term of business.
He was a stout, prosperous-looking man, gray and about fifty-five years old.
"In death even as in life," muttered one of the prosperous-looking men.
They had their husbands with them too, prosperous-looking men older than their wives and laden with more flowers.
Three prosperous-looking Spanish men were sitting on oil drums in its shade, talking to a soldier wearing blue fatigues.
A very prosperous-looking black man in his mid-fifties, right?
Sauntering on through the tier, he reached the corridor and joined a group of prosperous-looking men who were engaged in conversation.
I fell into conversation with a group of prosperous-looking men from Texas.
A plump, prosperous-looking man approached Lee and said, "See here, sir!