This benign condition occurs when prostate tissue, after decades of dormancy, begins to grow.
Shortly after 8 his doctors informed him that the prostate tissue they removed was benign.
The study compared the activity of some 20,000 genes in healthy prostate tissue biopsied from several dozen patients.
Laser prostatectomy uses beams of light to destroy prostate tissue.
Over 2 to 12 weeks, the heated prostate tissue shrinks.
The prostate tissue is removed as shavings, or what urologists call chips.
The instrument has an electric wire loop that can be used to chip away prostate tissue and to stop bleeding.
Diffusion-weighted imaging of normal and malignant prostate tissue at 3.0 T.
When pathologists examine prostate tissue in men over 60, there is about a 10 percent chance that they will find cancerous cells.
- In severe cases an operation to remove some prostate tissue can improve urine flow.