Because the prostitution activity appeared to be so blatant, local officials and community activists have wondered for months why the police couldn't take swifter action.
By November, prostitution activity in Israel has become less apparent.
The Tanka women were viewed as such that their prostitution activities were considered part of the normal bustle of a commercial trading city.
On 30 June 2006, the New York Times reported that the expected increase in prostitution activity around the World Cup had not taken place.
"The subject premise is being used solely to conduct prostitution activities," lawyers for the city charged in court papers filed on Sept. 1, 1999.
Barbara Feldt, a community leader who lives nearby, said she hoped the arrests would stop the prostitution activity.
According to Police statistics only 5% of those charged with prostitution activities are youth, and of those over 80% are young women, though others claim higher figures.
The name was changed because of the area's red light district reputation, especially for prostitution activity in motels.
Pennell, an electrician by trade, picked up his victims in his van along U.S. 40 near Bear, a corridor known for prostitution activity.
The entirety of Lisa's cross focused on Kendra's heroin use; she did not discuss prostitution activity at all.