Crack and prostitution arrests have been made there.
One indication, they said, was a decline in the number of prostitution arrests in the six-block area, from 164 in 1992 to 78 last year.
By that time Acosta had been suspended from the bench following the prostitution arrest.
"This would have been the prostitution arrest?"
They noted that like two other victims, she, too, had a history of prostitution arrests.
His office's top priorities are murder, robbery and rape, he said, though there is the occasional prostitution arrest.
Both she and Ms. Raffo had had prostitution arrests, the authorities said.
Two male prostitution arrests, booted out of the Navy in '43 for moral turpitude.
In 1989, in the town of Babylon alone there had been over 200 prostitution arrests by late November.
Almost immediately, police made two prostitution arrests on the premises.