A vaccine can protect your child against the virus.
In the early 90's, drug users were advised to clean their needles with bleach to protect against the virus.
That amount, added to supplies on hand or on order, should be enough to protect every American against the deadly virus.
Only six out of every 10 people who take the flu vaccine used in England are likely to be protected against the virus, research suggests.
HPV usually goes away on its own without treatment, although vaccines can protect against the virus.
Only 29 percent of its members were adequately protected against the virus.
The vaccine protects against the virus in more than 95% of cases and provides protection from the virus for at least fifteen years.
Mathematical models of Cevarix suggest the vaccine should protect against the virus for 30 years.
The 2010-2011 vaccine will protect against the 2009 H1N1 pandemic virus and two other flu viruses.