It would enforce what he calls smart growth by protecting farmland, parks and the northwest Highlands region, which provides much of the state's drinking water.
AFT's mission is to protect farmland, promote sound farming practices and keep farmers on the land.
"The desire to protect open space and farmland has trumped people's concerns about housing affordability."
The money would have been used to buy and otherwise protect farmland.
The draft plan does restrain growth in some areas to protect farmland and open space.
It also protects the coastline and farmland from hurricanes and tidal waves.
"Maryland has spent 30 years setting up the most advanced program in the country to protect farmland," Mr. Brown said.
It is one of only three rural subdivisions in Fayette County - to protect farmland from development they are now illegal to build.
Land trusts are also in place to protect farmland and ranchland.
Yet it is only the latest in a series of nationwide, grass-roots efforts to protect farmland and other open areas from commercial development.