This offer shows they want to protect themselves from him becoming an unrestricted free agent.
Surely the husband would be anxious to have her treated, if only to protect himself from becoming reinfected.
But given the spirit of the rule - protecting patients from becoming unwilling research participants - what else, she argued, could it mean?
After trying to protect May from becoming involved with the criminal Fletcher at last finds the answer he had been looking for all along.
I needed to protect you from that ever becoming public.
Diana did what she did to protect the girl from becoming like 47.
Several worlds were created without the ability to have houses built within them to protect their atmosphere from becoming another city.
But that did not protect them from becoming a sideshow.
Medicines can help you feel more like your friends or family, and will also protect the bones from becoming too thin (osteoporosis).
Protect us from becoming an "endangered species" say leaders of small island states.