One of the things he wanted us to do was protect you from the kind of person who'd gotten you in trouble at the Academy.
I can protect him from the kind of magic you wove last night," She was calm again, seeming to draw into herself.
When that stage is reached, our planet and our race will be protected from the kind of catastrophe that destroyed the dinosaurs.
Even you couldn't protect me from the kind of forces Julian Skye would set in motion.
There is too much to see and talk about, like how to protect English boxwood from the kind of freeze we had two winters ago.
"He don't need me to protect him from the kind of danger you meet on the road," said Mike.
The Dodd-Frank law creates a new agency designed to protect consumers from the kind of financial excesses that led up to the 2008 bank crisis.
They also wanted to protect them from the same kind of shame or teasing they had experienced themselves coming out of the desert many years before.
Apparently, the modest budgets of the owners have protected the interiors from the kind of damage better financed organizations can wreak.
The project would cost $14 million and protect the lighthouse from the kind of giant storm that occurs once every 73 years.