It has been claimed that the α-tocopherol form is the most important lipid-soluble antioxidant, and that it protects membranes from oxidation by reacting with lipid radicals produced in the lipid peroxidation chain reaction.
It extends normal roof life by protecting insulation and membranes from ultraviolet rays and water degradation.
Jackfruit can be a good bulk laxative because of its dietary fiber which helps to protect mucous membranes in the colon by decreasing exposure time and binding to cancer-causing chemicals.
We are worried that the statement that 'mucous membranes are an important defence against HIV' may deter surgeons from taking appropriate measures to protect exposed mucous membranes.
Dr. Linda K. Franks, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at the New York University School of Medicine, says "Pubic hair is there for a reason-to protect the sensitive skin and mucous membranes in the genital region, getting a wax literally strips away that layer of protection."
They also play a major role in protecting cellular membranes, stabilising cell proteins and supporting the body's immune system.
Patents were awarded to him in the early 1990s on techniques for protecting "biological membranes" and proteins in the dry state.
Background Vitamin E is an essential nutrient, the main lipid soluble antioxidant, and plays a significant role in protecting biological membranes and lipoproteins from damage caused by free radicals generated during lipid peroxidation [ 1 2 3 ] .