We can protect undercover officers and still give our detectives the tools they need to do their jobs.
So have they, accusing the government of trying to frame their daughter to protect senior officers.
Some of that money would probably come from insurance policies the company has to protect its directors and officers against lawsuits.
Officers do not face prison terms; an amnesty protects officers involved in human rights abuses between 1973 and 1978.
Critics said the investigation ignored the accusations to protect officers.
About half the states have laws that protect only the directors and officers of a nonprofit group.
In 1995 he led the fight for legislation that protects corporate officers from shareholder suits.
If not, the electrician decided, they would take care of things - what else were chiefs for but to protect officers from their mistakes?
The bill passed today would protect the directors and officers of the power authority's board against personal liability in lawsuits against the authority.
We're glad to protect officers on the staff of the commander-in-chief, whenever they appeal to us.