The player characters (PCs) are assigned to protect the prophet and his possessions.
Oh, no, I want no man hurt to protect my possessions.
According to Mikhail Ivashchenko, the wall was built by Byzantines in the 4th century to protect their possessions and control mountain passes.
He ordered his army to protect the people and their possessions, and help them restore peace and allow Xia to prosper.
But later that afternoon, after a city official told him that contractors would "gently take apart" the building to protect their possessions, he decided to act.
Someone must protect his wife's possessions until she can come to claim them.
In the burning homes of the city their bodies lay where they had gone down fighting to protect their possessions and loved ones.
It has also been presumed that Ibn Ubayy turned back to protect the town or his own possessions.
Some feel the need to store guns in their home to protect themselves, their family and their possessions.
a wise man protects his own possessions.