The newspaper argued that each of the items was either true or a constitutionally protected form of opinion.
It ruled 5 to 4 last year and the year before that flag burning, although offensive, was a protected form of free speech.
The challenge in getting such sites to surrender their domains, however, is that many involve protected forms of political expression.
Is an overgrown lawn a protected form of speech?
Australia lacks an explicitly protected form of freedom of speech.
Protesting by labour groups and trade unions have long been recognized as a protected form of expression.
The Supreme Court ruled last month that flag burning could be a protected form of political speech.
The court held that begging was not a constitutionally protected form of speech.
"If you're standing on a public sidewalk," he said, "that's the most protected form of expression that's available."
When the celebrity's name is used in a play, it is a protected form of free speech, he wrote.