In Nentershausen stands a protected village or court linden tree that is some 600 years old.
Local people were forced to relocate to protected villages (PVs) which were strictly controlled and guarded by the government against rebel atrocities.
The protected villages were compared by the guerrillas to concentration camps.
Although initially successful, the protected villages ultimately proved counter-productive for the security forces.
"Most important of all," Wood concludes, the protected villages "took the people away from the burial sites of their ancestors, which they venerated."
"This was a protected village, and everything was quiet here."
This market, together with the Hint, has been declared a protected village on October 19, 1967.
And to the north lay Wind Pass opening onto a protected village in a cliff-walled sink.
Rhodesian cameras were banned from protected villages.
The paramilitary "Guard Force," later responsible for security of the protected villages, also came under Intaf control.