"We cannot control the protectionist sentiments that build here and around the world," she said.
It also faces growing protectionist sentiment in Congress as a result of the nation's $600 billion trade deficit.
Indeed, while the public debate has focused on ethics, the real driving force in Congress has come from protectionist sentiments.
"Public fears about the rise of China" were stoking protectionist sentiment in Europe, he said.
And since the mid-1980's, some critics say, there has been no counterweight to the protectionist sentiments of political appointees.
Instead of playing to protectionist sentiments, Democratic party leaders accepted the deal.
Some analysts suggest that Japan may be overstating the unemployment problem to deflect growing protectionist sentiment among its trading partners.
But it would touch off protectionist sentiment in Congress.
Unlike some of his Democratic rivals, he has not baited his economic program with middle-class tax cuts and protectionist sentiments.
Analysts said investors had considered the initial bid too low, adding grist to problems with protectionist sentiments.