For reasons that were not clear, black women did not appear to get the same protective benefits from regular breakfasts, he said.
And now, a number of recent studies show that hormone replacement therapy may have protective benefits for women who are early in menopause.
As women age, however, they lose the protective benefits of estrogen because, in a rather dramatic fashion, their bodies stop producing it.
They are safe for long-term use, and they offer a protective benefit from damaging rays.
Diet has very limited or no effect, although eating more vegetables may confer a small protective benefit.
In some states, including California, there are statutory limitations placed on the protective benefits of these trusts.
While some scientists view resins only as waste products, their protective benefits to the plant are widely documented.
The protective benefits of chocolate are due, she says, to the flavonoids in the cocoa.
And he noted that other studies demonstrated the protective benefits of such early intervention.
The protective benefit of selenium was seen mostly in women.