Like the sloths of Earth, it allowed moss to grow over its fur as protective camouflage.
As an adult he figured out that silence could be protective camouflage, even a source of power.
At her age, she believes she has the "protective camouflage" she needs to observe her subjects without being disturbed.
It was a faux tangler-an imitation, innocuous, but safe from predation because of its protective camouflage.
Some of that restraint was protective camouflage for passions which he both felt welling within himself and denied.
Such moths commonly rest on English birch trees, where their white coloration provides protective camouflage.
Wit was a happy exercise for Lewis, when it did not provide him with protective camouflage.
Her behavior, though protective camouflage, was not without effect on Kirk.
Many colour patterns are also what is termed cryptic;they allow the fish to blend with its surroundings, offering it protective camouflage.
Under its protective camouflage, the dark elf had walked freely, without persecution, among the other races.