His protective canopy notwithstanding, Switters thought he might drown.
In 2002 the marble statue was restored, at a cost of £63,000, and moved back to Mowbray Park with a protective canopy.
I extend my $3 umbrella and press the button on the handle expecting the protective canopy to open.
NBC said that the lights its crew used had been properly set up under a protective canopy.
They ordered everyone out of the wagon and into the rain, though they themselves were under a protective canopy.
"People are missing the store," he complained, his awning obscured by the protective canopy.
Tables for four were anchored under a protective canopy; an extra table held the food.
The men strapped themselves in, sealed the clear protective canopy over them, and dropped the craft into the icy water.
Because of a fight moments before the end of the game, police were not able to roll a protective canopy over the visiting team's exit.
The mayor of Miami Beach sat beneath the protective canopy, of course.