It uses very high respiration rates, and protective compounds, to prevent oxygen damage.
Modern coatings usually consist of an aluminum layer overcoated with protective transparent compounds.
When the United States had apportioned the land in Colorado out to the Breeds and aided them in building the large protective compound, the fury within the Council had overflowed to the Labs.
It may help to keep colon tissue healthy by producing protective compounds called short-chain fatty acids.
The useful life can be extended by coating the seals with a special protective compound, and (in suits with removable seals) detaching the seals when not in use and keeping them in airtight containers.
All consist of emulsified coal tar with various protective compounds added.
Nature has met the challenge posed by the unreliability of the ozone layer by evolving a variety of protective sun-blocking compounds.
Driveway sealer is an emulsified tar with rubberizing and other protective compounds added.
At NYCO, the lubricants for civil aviation include a complete range of synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral oil-based turbine oils, aviation greases, hydraulic fluids and protective compounds for civil aviation purposes.