He was by no means the first artist to approach an intimidating world through the protective filter of the camera's lens.
His men stormed into the house behind him, and his voice was a muffled snarl behind the protective filters in his mask.
Some kind of gaseous layer that acted as a protective filter, I guessed, allowing a human-tolerable temperature below.
He also appears to be missing a few of the protective social filters people usually keep between themselves and the world.
Yet the Consul's drinking is astonishingly fine-tuned, affording him a protective filter while also allowing for moments of keen, unexpected lucidity.
Then he pulled his machine upward, squeezing his eyes shut because the blinding light burned the retina of his eyes despite the protective filter.
Before that Sigma was sealing the mirror box of their cameras with a protective filter behind the lens mount, preventing dust from entering the camera body.
The envelope gives rigidity to the cell and separates the interior of the cell from its environment, serving as a protective filter.
Samul shifted his gaze to the sun; even through the protective filter it was an intolerably brilliant disk.
Such lenses will then focus beyond infinity and may contact the protective filter.