The Greek citizens worshipped Artemis Eleutheria, who was the protective goddess of the town.
Sita Ram - a protective goddess, identified with Acorna by the mining children on Kezdet.
She was a protective goddesses like Bast!
In the courtyard there stands a small temple dedicated to 'Pazhayannur Bhagavati', the protective goddess of the Kochi royal family.
The Nanše Hymn attributes to Nanshe, in her role as a protective goddess, special concern for vulnerable members of society:
He felt very much at ease and remarkably secure in this eyrie, especially with the sense of the mighty TV tower rising behind him like a protective goddess.
Among them are two 13th-century Buddhist palm leaf manuscript pages from Nepal, one with a swaying green-skinned protective goddess.
On one level, it is a description of the nameless character played by Ruan Lingyu, who is equated with a protective goddess in the film.
Later as a protective goddess she guarded the dead with Isis, Nephthys and Selket.
She also became the protective goddess of the temple and remained the clan goddess meaning Kuladevi of the Oswals.