There, in their protective sheath, the ship's engines were withdrawn and silent.
The larvae shed the outer protective sheath after they are eaten by a suitable host.
In particular, the chemicals damage the protective sheaths that surround nerve cells.
A myriad planetary fragments cooled, cracked, and breathed off their protective sheaths of gases.
Then he covered Buffy's entire forearm with a protective sheath of gauze and taped it down.
Dr. Isner deflated the balloon and put a protective sheath over it.
It is encased in a transparent and protective sheath of very thin material.
Once again the crystal sensor reached out as far as it was capable of reaching from within its protective sheath.
The membrane is available in size of 4X6 inches and sometimes is used as packaging or protective sheath.
The probe's innards did not look much better than its supposedly protective sheath.