This mutant protein could still assemble into curved protofilaments and form tubes.
Late into the constriction phase, dynamin proteins assemble around the outer plastid-dividing ring, helping provide force to squeeze the chloroplast.
In a series of steps, nearly 80 ribosomal proteins assemble with the pre-rRNA.
The viral RNA and viral proteins assemble at the surface of the cell into new virions.
As indicated, a newly synthesized protein sometimes folds correctly and assembles with its partners on its own, in which case it is left alone.
Ausmees et al. continued their crescentin research by testing whether the protein could assemble into filaments in this manner in vitro.
Many other proteins assemble with Dcp2 to form a protein complex.
These proteins, along with host proteins, assemble to form a replication complex.
In affected cells, this protein builds up and assembles intranuclear inclusion bodies.
Both proteins naturally assemble around the decoy, retaining the correct shape.