"We're not a top-25 team," Chaney protested after the game, pointing out that he can only go six players deep.
A small number of enviromentalists continued to protest after the maneuver.
Despite a security clampdown on the city of Homs, close to 20,000 people reportedly protested there after prayers.
Nevertheless, dozens of people continued to protest after midnight.
More players protested after the start of the 2008 South Ossetia war.
Last month, the Wayne County site was named one of eight finalists, and residents protested after the announcement.
People protested after this event and complained that only calypsoes should be chosen over foreign music.
She was very good at diverting him, and he could not protest because after a day of getting nowhere with Hell he needed it.
He slowly rose, his legs, arms, and back protesting after the hunched position they had been forced into all day.
Sims protested after the fight that Kyle had bitten him on the chest.