We have written letter after letter to you protesting the illegality and injustice perpetrated by this administration.
Virtually every day demonstrators shout across First Avenue to protest some crime or injustice in a faraway part of the world.
A note left behind, he said, protested injustice in the Middle East, including Iraq.
Grandly romantic about her parents, she sees her mother as "protesting huge social injustice.
An old woman in a kerchief and a row of war ribbons on her sweater stands next to her pup tent protesting injustice in Uzbekistan.
Today over 185 Catholic Worker communities continue to protest injustice, war, racism, and violence of all forms.
He protested social injustice and tried to portray the hopes and dreams of common people through his writing.
Once she had protested injustice, and she had been dubiously rewarded.
Many punk rock songs protest injustice, lies, and unfairness in countries.
On that day, 5,000 people gathered in Vancouver to protest social injustice, while 150 stayed the night in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery.