They protest their involvement in this scandal.
Last fall, an order for high-speed trains was cut to $1 billion, half the expected amount, after a lightning Internet campaign protested Japan's "involvement in China's railway industry."
While he protests his involvement, he is dragged deeper with each novel into growing unrest and chaos - the observable effects of a cosmic battle for all existence.
Steinsaltz used his position as president of the Sanhedrin to protest its involvement in politics.
More than that though, they were protesting their region's involvement in an ugly war that has almost miraculously left them untouched, even though Dagestan borders Chechnya.
A contest over the leadership of the union's Local 11 led another labor leader, Maria Elena Durazo, to protest his involvement in the dispute.
Sami begins to protest EJ's involvement with his son again, citing that little Johnny needs to be with his twin sister.
Written as an elegy for anonymous soldiers, "Homecoming" is an anti-war poem protesting Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War during the 1960s.
NOT surprisingly, as Mr. Spitzer and other state officials have grabbed headlines, financial firms have protested their involvement.
Peace advocates held a demonstration in front of the British Embassy to protest the government's involvement in the conflict.