The teachers are protesting plans by the Government to change the education system.
He also protested her plan to lay off 3,500 workers at the yard.
A few teachers have began protesting the city's plan, but it has caught the union at a moment of weakness.
In 1997, fans protested the university's plans to add 20,000 seats to the stadium.
This year, the gardeners are also protesting plans by the city to develop some of these sites.
Some parents protested plans to consolidate the schools before the consolidation became final.
Shareholders protested plans last year to substantially increase his pay, to roughly $18 million.
The public workers are protesting plans to increase the work week in most areas to 40 hours from 38.5 hours without extra pay.
The workers are protesting plans to sell the company's regional power plants to private companies, which they fear will then lay off hundreds of employees.
They were protesting plans to break up the state power monopoly, which they fear will result in job cuts.