This morning, Karl, in the area surrounding the Irryan Capitol building, an estimated eighty thousand citizens gathered to protest the arrival of the Paratwa envoy.
In July 2004, church groups protested the arrival of Rosie O'Donnell's R Family Vacations cruise.
Upon arrival there was an angry mob waving torches and protesting the arrival of a person of color.
It was the second country in a week to protest the arrival of Secretary General Boutros-Ghali on a peace mission.
Together, they held hands as part of a human chain and protested the arrival of large trucks loaded with missiles.
Other demonstrators drew their own blood to protest the arrival of the authorities.
Dozens of anti-monarchists protested the arrival of Britain's Prince William and his bride Catherine at a Montreal children's hospital Saturday during the royals' tour of Canada.
The William's family protested the arrival of the other circus owner, who replied by threatening the Williams with physical violence.
The strike was called to protest the arrival Thursday of Secretary of State George P. Shultz for talks in several Middle East countries.
He organized a street demonstration in downtown Tehran to protest the arrival of secret American envoy Robert McFarlane and leaked news of the dealings to Lebanese newspaper Ash-Shiraa.