Instead, both prototype weapons simply flew past mock targets in space, trying to distinguish incoming warheads from decoys.
The electrolaser is a prototype weapon that uses a laser to create a conducting ionized channel through the air.
It follows a two man commando unit as they try to escape from a terrorist facility after seizing a prototype weapon.
Use high-tech equipment to hunt, such as drones, air support and prototype weapons.
The prototype weapon is also unsuccessful; it only stuns the hybrids momentarily before overcoming the effects.
Instead, he gives the prototype weapon to Leonid, saying that most of the bullets are stun rounds and the last one is deadly.
"So how could Madison not only predict these prototype weapons, but even identify the code letter which refers to them?"
The eight prototype weapons fired a combined 25,000 rounds, moving its cased telescoped ammunition to technology readiness level 7.
Thirteen thousand casualties is not acceptable in a test of a prototype weapon.
The Soviet laser pistol was a prototype weapon designed for cosmonauts.