"You don't re-enlist, you're turning your back on a sure thing," the sergeant major told him, unleashing a protracted argument for a life in the army.
I assumed that there had been a protracted argument between mother and son about why Emily couldn't go with them wherever they were going.
In fact most of them were merely protracted arguments.
Derec was girding himself for another protracted argument, but Katherine surprised him.
Although the pump worked well, there were protracted arguments over a set of spanners which had been invoiced as an "extra".
I gathered that this time there was divided sentiment over allowing the landing of new ships, and there might be protracted argument.
After several weeks of witnesses and protracted arguments in camera, on the advice of his lawyers he conceded the case.
He had anticipated a protracted argument.
Not long ago the vice president of the United States engaged in a protracted argument with a fictional television reporter from a sitcom.
After protracted arguments he had prevailed on Crawley to let him tell Marion of the anonymous letter.